MNRI® Reflex Integration and Immunology | March 31-April 2, 2025 | The Netherlands
OverzichtReflex Integration and Immunology
Prerequisites: Core in Training Level 2 - OR - MNRI® Dynamic and Postural Reflex Integration, MNRI® NeuroTactile Integration, MNRI® Stress Hormones and Reflex Integration + 6 additional MNRI classes.
Note: If you have attended a Family Conference of 5 days (with a minimum of 40 observation hours) you may request a bypass via the Organizer. You will receive an answer within 1-2 weeks if you are approved to take this course.
Instructor: Dr. Nelli Akhmatova
Location: Rijswijk, The Netherlands
Dates: March 31-April 2, 2025
Schedule: 9.00-18.00 hrs (breaks included)
Course fees: € 576 Early Bird, valid until December 31, 2024. On January 1, 2025 price will increase to € 640. PROLONGED EARLY BIRD: until March 1, 2025.
Repeater Discount: 40% discount. Please type 'Repeater' in the field 'Remarks/Opmerkingen'.
WISHLIST Discount: If you are a European resident, you may get a discount. First sign up for our European wishlist and then come back and register for this class. If your wishlist has been sent in or updated after August 1st 2024 and before you sign up for this course, then you will receive a 10% discount. Thank you for keeping your wishlist up-to-date!
Course Overview and Objectives
The immune system of a human presents systems of biological structures and mechanisms given to an organism genetically to protect against disease. This system is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, defends a human health and life against germs, microorganisms and other invaders every day. To fulfill the “detective task’ it must recognize and decode a wide variety of agents, such as: pathogens, viruses, parasitic worms, and distinguishes them from the organism's own healthy tissue. This is why to keep the immune system properly functioning and to know the means targeted at supporting its health is essential.
In most cases, the immune system keeps people healthy and prevents infections, but too strong or too long lasting stress and harmful antigens can cause problems for the immune system and lead to illness, infection and inflammation.
Immune system of a human organism is studied by the human immunology - a branch of biomedical science. This program gives the brief information concerned different aspects of the immunity based on immunological research in science and particularly in the MNRI®.
Immunity as a natural mechanism given genetically to protect our health and bodies from dangerous and foreign substances – from antigens of exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) origin, particularly:
. homeostasis (balance of all processes of the organism),
. structural and functional integrity of the organism,
. the genetic uniqueness of every organism and the human species as a whole.
One of the most important cells involved in the work of the immune system are leukocytes or white blood cells, which seek out and destroy disease-causing organisms or substances. These cells are produced and stored in many ‘lymphoid organs’, such as: the thymus, spleen, and bone marrow. The leukocytes are housed in clumps of lymphoid tissue, lymph nodes throughout the body. They circulate through the body between the organs and nodes via lymphatic vessels and blood vessels monitoring the body for germs or substances that might cause danger for health. The two basic types of leukocytes are known: 1) phagocytes, cells that ‘chew up’ invading organisms, 2) lymphocytes, cells that allow the body to remember and recognize previous invaders and help the body destroy them.
An antigen being any substance triggering an immune system to produce antibodies against it, is an organic nature biopolymer, genetically foreign to the macroorganism that recognized by the immune system and cause immune reactions, aimed at its elimination.
The human immune system- a specialized lymphoid tissue distributed throughout the body in a variety of lymphoid cells and selected entities accounts for 1-2% of body weight.
Organs and tissues of the immune system located in various parts of the organism are:
. Blood-forming bone marrow, where the stem cell (SCC) rising to all blood corpuscles, and also the immune cells, certain phagocytes and dendritic cells are found. The bone marrow affects the B (detects plasma cells) and T lymphocytes.
Encapsulated organs: the thymus (immunological ‘training’ of T-cells of the immune system), spleen (), lymph nodes (located along the lymph vessels act as a biological sieve filtering for antigens, and promotes maturation of B lymphocytes).
. Lymphoid tissue - of the digestive tract (MALT - Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue), tonsils, appendix, Peyer's patches, lamina propria («lamina propria") bowel, lymphoid follicles.
. Lymphoid tissue associated with the bronchi and bronchioles (BALT - Bronchus-Associated Lymphoid Tissue).
. Lymphoid tissue associated with female sexual ways (VALT - Vulvovaginal-Associated Lymphoid Tissue);
. Lymphoid tissue associated with the nasopharynx (NALT - Nose-Associated Lymphoid Tissue).
. A subpopulation of lymphocytes and other immune system cells within the liver, "serving" as lymphoid blood barrier portal vein, all carrier substances absorbed in the intestine.
. Lymphoid subsystem skin - lymphoid tissue associated with the skin (SALT - Skin-Associated Lymphoid Tissue) - intraepithelial lymphocytes and regional lymph nodes and lymphatic drainage.
. Peripheral blood - transport and communications component of the immune system.
Organs of the immune system work within its central and peripheral systems:
1) Central: Hematopoietic bone marrow and Thymus
2) Peripheral: Spleen, Lymph nodes, Appendix, Liver, Tonsil pharyngeal ring, Group lymph follicles, Blood Lymph
The numerous research done for immunology studies of the effect of the MNRI® neurosensorimotor reflex integration program has shown significant progress in health of children and adults, particularly in study of:
1) Chronic inflammatory respiratory diseases
2) Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Herpes-Associated Multiform Erythema
3) Immune status improvement in Children with Down Syndrome
These diseases afflicting thousands and millions of people worldwide are caused by poor immune system regulation. Treatment for these diseases has been primarily pharmacologic to date, although some dietary, nutritional, and supplemental therapies have been used. The immunology comparative studies have shown the effectiveness of MNRI® intervention, which is based on the neurobiologic activation of the primary motor system and the integration of reflexes, with that of standard treatment of chronic bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis in children and adults, and herpes-associated multiform erythema in adults.
The results revealed that MNRI® intervention enhances the effects of standard drug treatment on immune system cells, in particular, normalizing:
. the number of lymphocytes (CD3, CD4, CD8) and NK-cells
. the metabolic function of leukocytes
. the level of regulatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines.
This MNRI® Program for support of the immune system proposes exercises and procedure that can be used in steps or extracted and used individually depending on the goal of the work with the client. It is based on concepts of reflex integration and their possible role in immune system support. Previous research shows that the MNRI® programs (Reflex Repatterning and NeuroStructural Reflex Integration, NeuroTactile Integration) decrease the inflammatory process in patients for over 50% within 4-5 days of the intensive MNRI work (6 hours daily).
Certification: A certificate will be in your account, after completion of the survey.