MNRI® Neurostructural Reflex Integration | January 31-February 3, 2025 | Netherlands

item 2 van 12
€ 756,00



Core in Training Level 1


. MNRI® Archetype Movement Integration

. MNRI® Dynamic & Postural Reflex Pattern Integration

. MNRI® Tactile Integration

Any 1 of the following classes is also required:

. MNRI® Lifelong Reflex Integration

. MNRI® Visual & Auditory Reflexes Integration

. MNRI® Proprioceptive & Cognitive Integration

Date: January 31-February 3, 2025

Class schedule: 9.00-18.00 hrs

Location: The Netherlands, 's-Gravenzande

Instructor: Susanne Wolmesjö

Course fee: € 756 until December 31, 2024 (23.59 hrs Amsterdam Time Zone). On January 1, 2025 price increases to € 840. PROLONGED EARLY BIRD: until December 31, 2024.

Repeater Discount: 40% discount. Please type 'Repeater' in the field 'Remarks/Opmerkingen'. NoteRepeater discount is not possiblin combination with the WISHLIST or any other discounts. 

WISHLIST Discount: If you are a European resident, you may get a discount. First sign up for our European wishlist and then come back and register for this class. If your wishlist has been sent in or updated after January 1st 2024 and before you sign up for this course, then you will receive a 10% discount. Thank you for keeping your wishlist up-to-date!

MATERIAL NEEDED: You will need a massagetable. Most students bring their own table. If you are not able to bring a massagetable, you can rent one. The rent of the table is not included in the coursefee. You will receive mail about the massagetable after registering. 



The MNRI® Neuro-Structural Integration program was created by Dr. Masgutova to address the stress response known as the Tendon Guard Reflex (TGR).

Tendons consist of fibrous tissue that connects muscles to bones. Tendons, muscles, and joints work together to provide structural support and flexibility in the body while accommodating a wide variety of outside forces during rigorous activity to rest.

The TGR involves the tendon/muscle/joint system that spans from the tip of the big toe to the back of the head (starting with the big toe, continuing to the foot tendon, the Achilles tendon, hamstrings, sacrum, spine, various back and neck muscles to the back of the head).

The TGR is a whole body reaction that helps mobilize the body for protection (through freeze, fight, and flight) and development (through pause, learn, and advance).  Dr. Masgutova refers to the freeze and pause mechanisms as the Red Light TGR and the fight/flight protection mechanisms and learn/advance development mechanisms as the Green Light TGR.  

Red Light TGR

The Red Light portion of the TGR causes the abdominal, shoulder, and neck muscles to contract preparing the body to deal with either an unexpected situation or a situation that requires intense focus.  In either case, the body stops action, quiets itself, and prepares or focuses the ears and eyes to isolate details important to the situation.  When mature, the Red Light TGR supports a person’s ability to narrow his field of attention, movement, and action so that he can critically pause to isolate details important to his task.  When not mature, the Red Light TGR can result in either a hyper- or hypo-active response.  A person with a hyperactive TGR is over-focused on unimportant details, can perseverate, or simply shut down or freeze.  A person with a hypoactive TGR seems unaware that focused attention is needed and continues with whatever activity he is actively engaged in, remaining oblivious to any need relating to a looming danger or obligation.

Green Light TGR

The Green Light portion of the TGR causes spinal muscles to contract, lifting and extending the spine, and preparing the body for action. A baby activates his spinal muscles when learning to lift and right his head, arch his back, raise and stretch his legs and arms, and eventually stand and walk.  The Green Light TGR works throughout this process to provide structural support and flexibility necessary to ensure protection and development. When mature, the Green Light TGR widens a person’s field of vision, movement and action, so that he can see the big picture and act with forethought -- allowing him to learn and advance.  When not mature, the Green Light TGR can also result in either a hyper or hypoactive response.  A person with a hyperactive Green Light TGR often acts without much forethought, can misread the situation, and respond impulsively, often resulting in a fight or flight reaction without much provocation.  A person with a hypoactive Green Light TGR remains relatively nonresponsive to events and experiences that generally elicit action in others.

Body Symmetry & TGR Dysfunction

The MNRI® Neuro-Structural Integration program determines the current state of the TGR by assessing various aspects of body symmetry.  Symmetry indicates that the TGR is matured and appropriately integrated, while asymmetry indicates TGR dysfunction.  Asymmetry is often found when developmental and learning challenges are present.  This is because ongoing challenges often cause chronic tension to build up in muscles and tendons. The Neuro-Structural Reflex Integration Program techniques are designed to reduce protective tension present in the body.

Course Objectives:

In this four-day course (32 hours), attendees learn through course discussion and hands-on supervised practice. Attendees will gain specific instruction on how to release tension of the Tendon Guard Reflex, relax the muscular tension in the whole body, activate the proprioceptive system and body structure links for optimizing self regulation, and activate receptors through deep touch and pressure.

The Neuro-Structural Integration Program is part of the larger MRNI® Method. The program focuses on:

1. Motor development assessment

2. Interpreting the reflex pattern assessment

3. Specific techniques to release protective responses (e.g., Tendon Guard)

Reflexes Addressed in this Course:

Primary Motor Reflex Patterns: Abdominal · Moro Embrace · Spinal Pereze . Asymmetric Tonic Neck (ATNR) · Spinal Galant · Trunk Extension . Bonding                                                                                    

Additional Motor Reflexes & Reactions: Abdominal · Fear Paralysis · Oculo-kinetic . Balancing · Foot Tendon Guard · Oculo-vestibular . Breathing · Gravity · Segmental Rolling . Centering · Grounding · Spine Expanding . Convergence-Divergence · Head Righting . Spinning . Core Tendon Guard · Head Tilting Forward · TMJ Leveling . Eyes Leveling . Head Up-Righting · Vestibular Leveling . Eyes Tracking · Locomotion   


Certification: A certificate will be in your SMEI account, after completion of the survey. 


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